
Garry L. Wilson, CIC, RHU

Certified PPACA Professional

AmCareBenefits originated in the mid '90s, and was the outgrowth of the insurance, human resource, and consulting experience of founder and principal Garry Wilson. Garry's career began 40 years ago and has included all facets of the insurance industry --including work with medical benefits for national affinity clients in nearly every state in the U.S. Garry earned his Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC) designation over 30 years ago; earned his Registered Health Underwriter (RHU) designation, and after the passing of "ACA" was Certified as a PPACA Professional (Health care reform advanced study).

The focus and mission of AmCareBenefits is the Golden Rule - "Do for others what you would like them to do for you" (Matthew 7:12). We believe this means that we work as thoughtfully and diligently for our clients as we can, keeping their best interests at heart. Our staff is committed to delivering the highest level of advice and service, enabling you to make the best benefit decisions for your business or family. We invite your comments, and we hope that we might have the opportunity to serve you.

Visit the I95 Business website to read an August 2017 article about Garry and AmCareBenefits.